Meet the man

who drives the

goofy little van!

About the Arthur



In my professional career, I’m employed as an engineer with Boeing, working as the quality engineering team lead for the QE group operating out of the Everett Delivery Center in Everett, WA.

Primarily, my current position is one that focuses on process improvement. We work to solve manufacturing and organizational problems in a way that ensures the solutions are effective, safe, and implemented in a timely manner. This involves practicing Lean 6 Sigma principles, engaging in DFMEA, following the DMAIC and BPSM problem-solving models, and broadly engaging with the entire Quality Management System.

For more professional information, please feel free to check out my LinkedIn page!


Now let me tell you about some of the other things I care about.


Professionally and personally, the automotive space has been a huge part of my life. Growing up around my Dad’s collection of jalopies instilled me with a lifelong love of all things car and motorcycle related. This has shaped the beginning of my career and allowed me to follow that passion at Honda.

On the hobby side, click here to view the list of cars and bikes that I’ve had in my life. I’m a sucker for a good project!


Consumer tech and computer hardware have been an interest of mine since I was a little kid. I remember the excitement I felt in elementary school when my Dad built a computer and set up some semi-reliable internet in our house. The future had arrived! Since then, this passion has expanded into a hobbyist expertise in the areas of desktop CPUs/GPUs, mobile phones, headphones, cameras, watches, gaming devices, and a wide array of other gadgets.


Whether it’s catching seasonal Seattle Seahawks and Liverpool FC games or going to the extreme of completely changing my sleep schedule every 4 years to watch the live coverage of obscure Olympic events in the middle of the night, sporting competition is often on my mind. In terms of participation, I’m a lifelong skier and snowboarder, and I’ve become an avid cyclist, golfer, and weight lifter over the past few years.

Click here for information on the upcoming podcast that a friend and myself will be hosting on the topic of sports and how they intersect with other substantive facets of life.


I’ve been lucky with the opportunities for travel that have come my way. Though I’ve rarely ever been able to go adventuring purely for recreation, work opportunities have given me the chance to spend multiple summers up in Alaska, see huge swaths of the United States, and visit both Japan and China. Attending university ~2,000 miles from home and getting a job in a new state have both reinforced my love of visiting new places.


The right song sets the tone for a great day. Though my performance skills trend toward the mediocre, my love of tunes has steered many of my past experiences. My public speaking and presentation chops were honed while hosting weekly live music programming at WLVR when I was attending university, serving as Programming Manager as a Sophomore, and serving as station General Manager during my Junior and Senior years of college.


I’m no pro. But when I find myself in a privileged position where I’m staring at a jaw-dropping view I like to snap a few shots and see if I can share some of that feeling with others. I did take all of the photos on this website, so that’s got to count for something!

Check out my 500px portfolio here.